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A Few Words About Us

We opened our distillery in the town of Dunavecse, in June 2007.

Our small batch distillary equipment is the distinguished work of Hungarian experts, combining tradition with modern technology. The location of our Distillery had been carefully selected for its excellent geographical position and microclimate. Decades old traditions of fruit-growing culture, and most importantly, the unique flavour and fragrance of fruits yielded in the area, were decisive factors in favoring this location.

Owing to directed fermentation and gentle distillation, we are able to capture and bottle the unforgettable aromatic harmony of fruits produced in Dunavecse.

Our commitment to protect the Hungarian pálinka as Hungaricum, is demonstrated by the distinguished quality of our products. We can proudly and confidentially recommend these small batch brandies produced in our still room to our kind consumers and distributors.

Dunai Hajós Pálinkafőző Üzem

„I cannot write a cheerful poem, I smile rarely, I drink often, I am choking all my griefs into pálinka.”
Gábor Koncz  