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Pálinka World Magazine


The VecseKomplex Ltd. that is distilling the Dunai Hajós pálinkas is one of the most hopeful new commercial distilleries. The story is a real success story: the firm appeared hardly more than one and a half year on the market of the pálinka, but within a short time several of their products conquered the consumers liking pálinka. Beside this the firm achieved on Destillata in Austria and on the Hungarian pálinka competitions superb results in 2008 and 2009.

All these prove that Vecse Komplex Ltd. managed to manufacture distillates with a distinguished quality in the first year already. Their pálinkas can be found on increasingly more restaurants, clubs, pálinka stores. The success is obvious, so they decided to open az own speciality shop: Dunai Hajós Wine and Pálinka Store waits for his guests already in Dunaújváros.

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„I study, because energy invested in learning yields its fruit....and as we know: pálinka can be distilled from fruit!”
Gábor Koncz  