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Second Pálinka Arcade, the celebration of pálinka on Miklós’s day


On the 5th of December, 2 p.m., the Hungarian Pálinka Order of Knighthood Unity opened “Pálinka Archade” with its glamorous parade at Kossuth Square.

This year is going to be the celebration of “all rights reserved” pálinka (Apple from Szabolcs, Plum from Szatmár, Peach from Gönc, Plum from Békés, Peach from Kecskemét, Sour-Cherry from Újfehértó, and Pear from Göcsej). The Pálinka Archade is going to be open for three days between the 5th and 7th of December.

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„I cannot write a cheerful poem, I smile rarely, I drink often, I am choking all my griefs into pálinka.”
Gábor Koncz  